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Daniel Rivera

Daniel Rivera is an online dating expert who has dedicated his life to helping others find love. With a background in psychology and years of experience as a relationship coach, Daniel brings both knowledge and passion to the world of online dating. Born in Mexico City, Daniel moved with his family to Los Angeles at age 11 where he grew up learning about different cultures and customs from around the world. He attended college at UC Berkeley where he earned degrees in Psychology & Sociology before going on to get his Masters degree from Stanford University's School of Education specializing in Human Development & Family Studies. It was during this time that Daniel developed an interest for understanding how people interact within relationships - something which would later become integral part of what drives him today when it comes down reviewing various sites/apps related with finding someone special through technology-based solutions like Tinder or Bumble etc. Throughout much of his career, Daniel has been focused on teaching individuals how they can better navigate their own romantic lives by providing guidance based off personal experiences combined with evidence-based research techniques; so naturally writing reviews about popular dating platforms seemed like another great way for him share all these accumulated insights while also allowing himself explore new ideas outside traditional coaching methods . This eventually led him founding "Dating Expert Reviews" (DER) back 2018 – website devoted solely towards giving honest assessments regarding current state affairs when it comes down modern day digital romance scene without any bias whatsoever . Since then DER have gained traction among many looking further insight into such matters , making them go-to source whenever anyone needs advice whether starting out completely fresh or just simply curious see what else there might be out there other than usual suspects ..